Our first ergonomic scissor in the Mouse Hole range. Great for those with RSI or carpal tunnel issues, allowing your thumb to find its own neutral position during a groom. Again, more solid for all general grooming needs. Extra length option. Japan 440c steel.
Airedale 7.5″ Swivel Chunker
Airedale 7.5″ Swivel Curved
Airedale 7.5″ Swivel Straight
Airedale 7.5″ Swivel Thinner
Airedale 7″ Swivel Chunker
Airedale 7″ Swivel Curved
Airedale 7″ Swivel Curved Chunker
Airedale 7″ Swivel Straight
Airedale 7" Swivel Straight. Right-handed pet grooming scissors. Our first ergonomic scissor in the Mouse Hole range. Great for those with RSI or carpal tunnel issues, allowing your thumb to find its own neutral position during a groom. Again, more solid for all general grooming needs. Extra length option.
Airedale 8″ Swivel Chunker
Airedale 8″ Swivel Curved
Airedale 8″ Swivel Straight
Airedale 8" Swivel Straight. Right-handed pet grooming scissors. Our first ergonomic scissor in the Mouse Hole range. Great for those with RSI or carpal tunnel issues, allowing your thumb to find its own neutral position during a groom. Again, more solid for all general grooming needs. Extra length option.